I've been trying to figure out how to say this, so I'll just say it plainly.
I'm a widow, a brand new widow, and I've gone from cooking for two people and friends to mostly cooking for one, myself.
For the first time in many years, I'll get to cook meals that cater to my taste, and not my husband's taste.
He was as he put it, 'not very adventuresome' when it came to trying different foods. And I cooked mostly for him.
We had Taco's every single Tuesday, and he would happily eat that, every single week. I rarely ate the same kind of taco's as him. I like a lot of variety, so I'd make various kinds of Taco's, from Margarita Shrimp Taco's
to Grilled Fish Tacos with Mango Salsa
and my latest fun taco, which is a baked taco, and was totally delish as well, Tacos de Jocoqui. I also made some Slow Cooker Carnita's, most of which is currently residing, or resting if you will, in the freezer. In single serving bags.
So where am I going with this?
It's simple. I'll be redoing some of my recipes to make them into single meals, as well as some that you can basically freeze and take out when you just want a good meal, and don't want to eat a commercial frozen dinner.
I love cooking, but honestly, some nights I'd just like to grab something out of the freezer and heat it up. Easy peasy.
I plan on posting these 'Meal Makeovers' around the first of every month. If I'm making a redo, I'll include the original recipe, and if it's a new one, I'll of course tell you how to make it for a family.
Do expect more seafood recipes, along with more Danish recipes as well.
Happy cooking, my philosophy is simple, If I can't have fun in the kitchen, I don't want to play.