Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Best Dessert of 2015

I'm back with some more favorite's from this year. 
Today we're concentrating on Desserts.
I have a paucity of desserts on my blog, in other words, I don't make desserts very often or if I do, it's one I've already shared the how-to's on.
Sarah E of  Fantastical Sharing is hosting this year's roundup of  recipes for 2015.  Sarah is also our fearless leader for the Secret Recipe Club, btw.

And as she said, this is also a great way to find some new recipes as we're saying goodbye, so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen to 2015.
The Countdown to 2016 has a slew of #recipes from many food blogs! #Countdownto
2016 #newyear  
Without further ado...

I had to flip a coin between my Coconut Surprise Pie

and the Boston Cream Pie.

And then I said, ah heck with it, I'll put both of them in here.   It was a tie.

Take a look at some of the other great desserts in the links below. 

Sidsel Munkholm - Author
Sidsel Munkholm - Author

Sid loves to cook, feed people and have fun in the kitchen. She shares her successes and the involuntary offerings she sometimes gives the kitchen goddess as well. And she's still looking for the mythical fairy to help her clean the kitchen after a marathon cooking session. Currently working on a cookbook showcasing the recipes from her Danish heritage.


I love to hear from my readers, so please feel free to drop me a note, let me know if you like something I made, it makes my day.