Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Fun Easter Ideas

I've been lax this week, skating on a post from last week, but I have a good excuse. 
I've been editing a book, and doing housework, trying to get caught up, planted some seeds, and just saw some little, teeny, weeny specks of green showing up in the pot I planted the basil, oregano and dill in.  
I'm excited, can't wait to see who won the race to germinate first.
I also re-potted my lemon tree, and a couple of Rangpur Lime trees. 
So... I was busy, and didn't make anything new apart from the Loquat Tiramisu Cake and the Roasted Radish Tart this month.

I've got another couple of great recipes coming up this week, but that's later on. 

In the meantime, I thought I'd share a couple of ideas with you on what to do with all those eggs, you've been decorating.
Or maybe you just hard cooked a few, just because.
That would be me.

Deviled eggs are always good, but why not have some fun and make these Deviled Egg Chicks? 
Guaranteed to have people going, WOW, how cute.
Best of all they taste great.Deviled Egg Chicks

And since it's spring, break out those little paper parasols you've been saving, and let those chicks have some shade.
Deviled Egg Chicks
I've been craving these eggs as well, in fact, I think I see them in my near future, as in lunch today?
They're called Skidne Æg, I call them Mustard Eggs in English.  
Ideally they should be cooked so that the yolk is still not quite set, but you can certainly make a yummy mustard sauce and serve them with hard cooked eggs.   Skidne  Æg

And if you're serving ham, why not try your hand at some of my favorite sauces to serve with ham. 

I also serve this with Corned Beef. 
Basically mix equal amounts of brown sugar and yellow mustard together and VOILA!!! a tasty sauce for the ham. 
You can also make some of my Raisin Sauce as well.  Either one is great with ham.Raisin Sauce

And for a few more ideas on what to do with that surfeit of hard cooked eggs, here's a couple more   Egg ideas.

Deviled Eggs with Capers and Salmon
 Deviled Eggs with Salmon, Capers and Dill
My friend Marge used to bring these to a lot of gatherings back in the day, and I make them from time to time as well.  She called them Egg Rolls.  

They would disappear fast, when she made them, we all looked forward to them.  And when I make them, they disappear almost as fast as her's did.
Marge's Egg Rolls

And there you have a couple of ideas for some of the leftover eggs. 

Sadly, I don't decorate eggs anymore, I don't have any young'uns close by who I can share the fun and messes with.  
But I will cook up a few this week, just because.

Sidsel Munkholm - Author
Sidsel Munkholm - Author

Sid loves to cook, feed people and have fun in the kitchen. She shares her successes and the involuntary offerings she sometimes gives the kitchen goddess as well. And she's still looking for the mythical fairy to help her clean the kitchen after a marathon cooking session. Currently working on a cookbook showcasing the recipes from her Danish heritage.

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