Saturday, January 16, 2016

Dutch Baby or Popover Pancake

A couple of weeks ago I made a Prime Rib for dinner and of course had to make some Yorkies to go with it. 
Yorkies are Yorkshire Puddings, BTW, not the little four legged doggies.

At any rate...

I had some leftover batter and stuck it into the fridge overnight, and decided that there was enough batter to make a Dutch Baby Pancake.

And it was good.  Because the batter had rested in the fridge overnight, the flour had absorbed more liquid and that little pancake rose and rose and rose.
And then fell.
But it was supposed to.

Basic Popover or Yorkshire Pudding recipe
1/2 cup eggs (about 2 large eggs)
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup milk
1 tablespoon melted butter
pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients together and place in the fridge overnight, or if making Yorkies, mix together in the morning and let sit in fridge at least 6 hours.  
In the morning, preheat the oven to 425 degrees.   Put a cast iron skillet on the stove and heat it.  I used my 9 inch skillet, but you can actually use any oven safe pan here. An 8 x 8 pan works as well.  While the pan is heating, whisk the batter together again, to make sure it is well combined.  Put a pea sized piece of shortening or lard or oil or butter into pan, swirl it around and then pour the batter directly into the pan.  The pan should be almost smoking  hot.
Place the pan in the oven and let the magic happen.  The pancake will poof up and puff up and tower over the pan.  (If you turn the light on in the oven, you can watch the magic happen.  I admit it, I keep an eye on it.)
Bake for 20 minutes, then take out and serve with either a squeeze of lemon and some powdered confectioners sugar sifted over it or with some butter and syrup.
I shared mine with the dog, because she said she was hungry, but I think she just wanted the syrup and butter.  She like pancakes anyway. 
Go mix some batter up and put it in the fridge for breakfast on Sunday.
You know you want to.  And since the batter is all ready, all you have to do in the morning is turn on the oven, whisk the batter together and pour it into the pan to let it bake while you are enjoying your first/second or third cup of coffee. 

I've made this a couple more times, and played with it some more.   The other day I used a smaller 7 inch stainless steel skillet and baked it in that.  And this morning, I used a little 6 inch cast iron skillet and baked one in that.    I managed to get a shot of this, just after I pulled it out of the oven.
 And here it is on my plate, ready to be devoured. Gleefully

Sidsel Munkholm - Author
Sidsel Munkholm - Author

Sid loves to cook, feed people and have fun in the kitchen. She shares her successes and the involuntary offerings she sometimes gives the kitchen goddess as well. And she's still looking for the mythical fairy to help her clean the kitchen after a marathon cooking session. Currently working on a cookbook showcasing the recipes from her Danish heritage.


  1. Hi Sid! This looks amazing. I have questions! - you're using a cast iron pan. I don't have one - is it absolutely necessary? I have a big coated pan, and I have a big Lagostina pan. Will either of them do? Also: When you put the pan in the oven, does it to be on the lowest rack, as you say it gets *really* tall? And one last question: how many eggs is in a 1/2 cup?? Thank you for your answers! (hope these aren't really stupid questions. Go ahead and roll your eyes, but please answer! LOL)

    1. I've always had good results using a 9 inch pyrex pie pan.

    2. Pardon my tardiness in answering you. I don't see why a pyrex or other oven safe pan wouldn't work. I also have a couple of skillets that are oven-safe and they would work.
      I use Jumbo or large eggs and two make a half cup. You would have to see how many you can fit in a cup.
      When I say it gets really tall, I mean that it can go about 2 inches above the top of the pan when it puffs up. The pan you use may make it act differently. I know that "Yorkshire Puddings" are cooked in many different types of pans, so I would use whichever oven safe pan you have. Good luck, and good eating.

  2. You need an oven safe pan, I used another pan this morning, and it worked just fine. The pancake will puff up to about twice the height of the pan. I bake this on the middle rack, and it is just fine. I use jumbo eggs and two eggs equals about 1/2 cup. And there are no stupid questions, no eye rolls here, You just made me realize my instructions were not as clear as they could have been. I appreciate the feedback.

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate the help. I am certainly going to give this a try sometime soon. Cheers!

  3. One of my favorite side dishes.... and of course, I'll have to adopt the "Yorkies" gave me a great laugh!

    we made some for our Christmas dinner last month, but it did not turn out as beautiful in the photo as yours did. I should have used a round pan... but there's always next time!

    1. Mine too. I like making individual Yorkies as well. Thanks for the compliment on my picture.

  4. This looks so good, I just love a good Dutch Baby! Hope you had a great Valentine Weekend and thanks so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

    1. Me too. I've gotten hooked on them lately. Thanks for the kind words. Have a great week.

  5. Oh I never knew to let the batter rest over night!! I've just started to play around with Dutch Babies and they're so good but mine don't get nearly this tall! I can't wait to do more experimenting with some rest time!!

    1. I've been keeping some batter mixed up and keeping it in the fridge for a quick/sorta breakfast. The resting time seems to be critical for the rise. I made one up for breakfast on Sunday, and need to mix up some more batter, for tomorrow's breakfast.

  6. I've been cooking peppers and onions in the skillet on the grill a lot lately. I'll have to add jalapenos next time. Yum. I like cooking bacon that way too, although hot fat + open flame adds a nice element of danger. I used to get flank steak, but my husband got me to try the carne asada cut from our local market, and I prefer it. Not sure if it's thin-cut flank or skirt (I'll have to ask), but it looks like this 


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