Sunday, June 25, 2017

Tapas for June 2017

The dishwasher's going, the glasses are washed and put away and it's time to sit down again, and relive a lovely evening.

We had our monthly Tapas Night last night, well, it's actually been a couple of months since we had it here.  Last month a friend hosted it, and the month prior to that, that particular weekend there were all kinds of events going on in our little town, so we did a pass.
Tapas Table

The attendance was down, several couples who usually come were out of town, so it was a smaller crowd than usual, but I enjoyed it just as much.

I let my inner Dane out to play and made several dishes that are Danish.   And even though we were fewer in number than usual, much of it was eaten.  But before I tell you what I made, let me share the other dishes that were brought.
Apart from me getting all "Danish", it did seem to be a salad kind of night.

 This lovely and delicious salad with lots of Cauliflower, and it was really good.
Salad with Cauliflower
 Potato Salad
Potato Salad
 Hush Puppies with a dipping sauce
 Taco Rice
 This intriguing dish. A brie cheese enrobed in sun-dried tomatoes and served with crackers.  It was good.
 Told you it was a salad night, there was also a nice spinach salad.
 And then there was me. 
I get carried away sometimes.  But it's my party and I can make what I want.
So there...

These Egg and Shrimp with Caviar on home made rye bread.   
 I also made some tartelleter, but didn't care for the shells real well. This had peas and carrots in a white sauce, and I also made some with ham as well. 
One of my favorites, Mackeral in Tomato Sauce.  Luckily for me, there was a little left, and I'm so eating it today, tomorrow and ? 
The joys of getting really fresh eggs is that you can't peel them well, so I had to make an egg salad, and plumped them down on a piece of white bread.  They tasted really good. 
And since I had a little shrimp left over, I added some mayonnaise to it and served it with some of the homemade rye and white bread.  
And we had desserts as well, gotta feed the sweet tooth...
And a Boston Creme Cake. 
It's time for me to go and put my feet up and relax.  And start planning what I'm bringing to the next gathering we're headed to.  It's only a week away. 
Sidsel Munkholm - Author
Sidsel Munkholm - Author

Sid loves to cook, feed people and have fun in the kitchen. She shares her successes and the involuntary offerings she sometimes gives the kitchen goddess as well. And she's still looking for the mythical fairy to help her clean the kitchen after a marathon cooking session. Currently working on a cookbook showcasing the recipes from her Danish heritage.

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