Sunday, March 4, 2018

First Monday Favorites - March 2018 -15

I swear February snuck up on me and left with barely a side glance.  And now it's March?
Really!  When did that happen?
But it's time for First Monday Favorites and I have one.  This is where you share the one recipe you made last month that amazed, delighted and blew you away with how good it was.  And I had one.  Well I have one.
 Yup, I do.
I made this for the Baking Bloggers group, and last month the challenge was Cheesecake.
I love Cheesecake, in fact I don't think I've ever met one I didn't like but I'm also working on my new cookbook, which will be released when I'm finished, and this one is all about appetizers.
So... I decided to make a Savory Salmon Cheesecake.  The first one was so good, I made a second one and it was equally tasty.  
The link up is here and this is for your favorite recipe from last month, not the one with the most views, but your own personal favorite.  The one thing you made that amazed, delighted and blew you away with how good it was. 
Thanks for stopping by.

Sidsel Munkholm - Author
Sidsel Munkholm - Author

Sid loves to cook, feed people and have fun in the kitchen. She shares her successes and the involuntary offerings she sometimes gives the kitchen goddess as well. And she's still looking for the mythical fairy to help her clean the kitchen after a marathon cooking session. Currently working on a cookbook showcasing the recipes from her Danish heritage.


  1. I hope I remember to post up. February had to be the longest month (for the shortest)! :)

    1. I agree, I swear it flew by faster than the Roadrunner, and I'm still trying to play catchup. Hope you stop by.

  2. I came "this close" to picking my Baking Bloggers cheesecake too. Your salmon cheesecake sounds incredible. I have smoked salmon and cream cheese, with onions and capers all-the-time!

    1. I love cheesecake so yours would have been welcome but you did bring bread and that one looks amazing. I do love bread.

  3. I finally made it, I always forget so was glad to see you on FB. Our Internet was down all day yesterday so I am playing catch up! Thanks so much for the party and have a great month!
    Miz Helen

    1. I'm so glad you were able to stop by and link up. That Tomato salad sounds wonderful.


I love to hear from my readers, so please feel free to drop me a note, let me know if you like something I made, it makes my day.