Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Wild Card or my Favorite Recipe for 2018

First off   
I hope I didn't yell too loud, but I'm excited for this next year and all the great stuff that will happen. 
This is the last of the series and is the 'Wild Card' which means I can highlight any post from this past year.

I had fun this past year, I published my second cookbook, Nibbles and Bites, which is chockful of appetizers and finger foods and asked a few bloggers if they'd like to join me in a virtual Tapas Time Party featuring a recipe or two from the book.   You can find it on Amazon as well as some selected bookstores and merchants.   It's available as a paperback, or an ebook.  You can even read it on Kindle Unlimited.  Nothing a shameless plug. 
Nibbles and Bites
They very graciously said yes, and we held the party, online.  And that was so much fun, seeing what other bloggers made and posted about.   I appreciate them all.

And then I started thinking about which was my favorite recipe from this past year and I had trouble with that.
I baked a lot of cakes this past year, I got to make 2 wedding cakes, which is nerve wracking but both brides liked their cakes.   Or at least they said they did.  I had fun making a Batman themed groom's cake as well.
Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake and Groom's Cake
As I said I made a bunch of cakes for the Legion cake raffle, every other week actually.    I made this awesome Candied Orange and Candied Ginger Cake,  and the following
Candied Orange and Candied Ginger Bundt Cake
Triangle Delights,
Triangle Delight Bars

 and all I can say is, it's a good thing that I didn't keep them in my house.  They would have put me into a sugar coma, but it might have been worth it.  They were pretty popular as well.

That's my look back at 2018.
Thanks Sarah for giving me an excuse to look back at 2018  of Fantastical Sharing to look back and pick out the best of the year.

Here's hoping that 2019 is a great and wonder-filled year for everyone. 
Stop on by next Monday for First Monday Favorites to see what recipes other bloggers picked as their favorite from December.   

Sidsel Munkholm - Author
Sidsel Munkholm - Author

Sid loves to cook, feed people and have fun in the kitchen. She shares her successes and the involuntary offerings she sometimes gives the kitchen goddess as well. And she's still looking for the mythical fairy to help her clean the kitchen after a marathon cooking session. Currently working on a cookbook showcasing the recipes from her Danish heritage.


  1. I am honored to have been one of your tapas party participants! I made your shrimp dip on Christmas Eve!

    1. And I'm so thrilled you participated in the party. You liked the shrimp dip enough to serve it on Christmas, wow what an accolade.

  2. So much good stuff in 2018 :) The wedding cakes are gorgeous! I made my sister-in-law's wedding cake in October and you are right -- SO nerve wracking.

    1. Thanks. The first cake was for a very informal gathering and as you can see from the second cake, it was much more formal. Until I have a separate fridge and freezer, that I can dedicate to cakes, I don't know that I'll want to do more. It is nerve wracking to say the least.


I love to hear from my readers, so please feel free to drop me a note, let me know if you like something I made, it makes my day.